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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Byron Center AYSO

New Youth Volunteer Sign Up Process

If a person under 18 years old is signing up to be a volunteer for the first time follow these instructions.
If a person under 18 years old has an existing volunteer profile those steps are a different section below the first time volunteer instructions.

Note; it is more difficult to register as a volunteer on a mobile device. The screenshots below are all from the desktop website.

1) As the parent, login at You must login as the Primary Account Holder. If you are unsure if you are the Primary Account Holder send a message asking to [email protected].

2) You'll be taken to your My Account page.

3) On the left side of the page click on Volunteer.

4) Click on Find Volunteer Roles

4a) If there are already volunteers on your account, you may need to scroll down to find the Find Volunteer Roles button

5) IF you are presented with a form titled Account Holder Information. Fill this out with your (Adult Account Holder) information.

6) You'll now be presented with the list of Programs. Find the program titled Referee and the current season year. Click View Divisions.

6a) Click the check box next to Referee, then click the View Selected Opportunities button.

7) Click the Select button under Referee

8) IMPORTANT - click Sign up a new user

9) Click the Continue button

10) Fill out the New User form. IMPORTANT - the email address must be unique to this person. You only need to fill in the required information. The phone number does not need to be unique.

11) Disclaimer Assumption of Risk - When you view this form using the View / Accept button, sign the form as the Adult. A youth volunteer cannot sign this form.

12) Do NOT upload anything for the non-required items on the form.

13) Choose a Jersey Size.

14) Click the Invite User and Continue button at the bottom.

15) IMPORTANT - If the new youth volunteer is going to be using the same device as the adult the adult MUST LOG OUT of Simply closing the browser tab will NOT log you out. You must click the LOGOUT or Lock icon on your My Account page to Log out.

16) An email invitation will be sent to the youth volunteer's email account. The subject will contain "Invitation to join account" and the body of the email will have a button showing "Accept Invite". Click that button.

17) A new tab will open to sign into Sports Connect. It will ask for an email address first. Enter the Youth Referee’s email address. Next, it will ask you to create a password.

18) An email will be sent to the youth volunteer with a "Verify Email" button. click that button and they will be logged in. They may be asked to complete their Account Holder Information.

19) The volunteer now has a volunteer account. They MUST be logged into this new account in order to enroll in online and in person courses via AYSOU.

Visit the Find and Enroll in an In-Person Course or Take an online course on the AYSO Wiki for steps to do those items.

Returning Youth Volunteer Sign Up Process

If a person under 18 years old has an existing volunteer profile with follow these steps to register them as a volunteer for the current season.

1) As the parent, login at You must login as the Primary Account Holder. If you are unsure if you are the Primary Account Holder send a message asking to [email protected].

2) You'll be taken to your My Account page.

3) On the left side of the page click on Volunteer.

4) Click on Find Volunteer Roles

4a) If there are already volunteers on your account, you may need to scroll down to find the Find Volunteer Roles button

5) IF you are presented with a form titled Account Holder Information. Fill this out with your (Adult Account Holder) information.

6) You'll now be presented with the list of Programs. Find the program titled Referee and the current season year. Click View Divisions.

6a) Click the check box next to Referee, then click the View Selected Opportunities button.

7) Click the Select button under Referee

8) Click Sign up a registered user

9) Click on the Youth volunteer's name at the bottom of the screen

10) Click Continue

11) Verify that the information for the Youth Volunteer is correct.

12) Disclaimer Assumption of Risk - When you view this form using the View / Accept button, sign the form as the Adult. A youth volunteer cannot sign this form.

13) Click the Continue button at the bottom of the page.

14) The Youth Volunteer is now able to log in as themselves to have access to AYSOU.

AYSO is an all-volunteer organization. The coaches who guide teams through practices and during games, the referees who tirelessly officiate games going from one field to the next, the board members who organize the region’s events all the way from planning registrations to setting the schedule and making sure game days run smoothly, are all volunteers. Nobody gets paid one dime to participate in AYSO. Nationwide, more than 220,000 parents, relatives and friends sacrifice their time and effort to make sure that all of the children receive a great AYSO experience.

Because of this volunteer foundation, AYSO ensures that the costs are as low as possible.

AYSO has developed special job-specific training that helps volunteers who may have little to no soccer experience familiarize themselves with the knowledge and skills necessary to become effective coaches and referees, as well as offering unique administrative and management training.

All this ensures that each program abides by AYSO’s Six Philosophies, offers a great AYSO experience and continues to grow and offer AYSO to more children.

It only takes a few hours to become a qualified introductory-level coach or referee. If you are willing to commit to even more time, there are many small but important jobs you can help with. Even a few hours here or there can make a big difference not only to your team but to the entire region.

Thank you for volunteering! It is a fun and rewarding experience! There are also some steps to take before that happens.

AYSO Volunteer Application Form in Sports Connect - Adults and Youth
Any person wishing to volunteer in AYSO must complete an AYSO Volunteer Application Form each year and submit an e-signed copy to the region. Instructions are below.

Complete Background Check with Sterling Volunteers - Adults Only
Every volunteer must complete and pass a criminal background check with Sterling Volunteers. All requested information must be provided by the applicant. Criminal background checks ensure the safety of our children. After you complete your Volunteer Application you will receive an email from Sterling Volunteers with instructions for completing your background check.
AYSO’s Background Check Policy

Complete AYSO's Safe Haven Course - Adults and Youth
Safe Haven is a training session that focuses on safety and appropriate behavior with children. This course is taken online at AYSOU. Instructions are below.

CDC HEADS UP Concussion Training - Adults and Youth
All volunteers must complete the CDC Concussion Awareness course on AYSOU every three years.

Sudden Cardiac Arrest Online Course - Adults and Youth
All on field volunteers must complete this course.

SafeSport Training - Adults Only
The 2017 SafeSport Act has expanded Mandated Reporters to include adults authorized to interact with children. Due to this expansion, that includes AYSO and it requires training on child abuse and mandated reporting.

AYSO’s Summary of the Laws of the Game
Found on AYSOU this course is required for all Referee Volunteers. It is highly recommended for all Coach Volunteers.

Referee Volunteers
Each Referee is required to attend a live in person training session with one of our Referee Trainers. Before every season we hold referee training for all of our new referees. Instructions for registering for in person training is below.

Coach Volunteers
All Coaches, including Assistant Coaches, must be age appropriately certified. Refer to the chart below to verify which training courses you need to complete in order to coach in each division. Some coaches may be able to complete this certification online. Other coaches will be required to participate in an in person training. This training camp is held every August. Registration instructions are below.

DivisionRequired CourseFormatPrerequisites
4U PlaygroundPlayground and Schoolyard Soccer Program LeaderOnline Safe Haven, Concussion, SCA, SafeSport
5U SchoolyardPlayground and Schoolyard Soccer Program LeaderOnline Safe Haven, Concussion, SCA, SafeSport
6U6U Coaching TrainingOnline and/or In Person Safe Haven, Concussion, SCA, SafeSport
8U8U Coaching TrainingOnline and/or In Person Safe Haven, Concussion, SCA, SafeSport
10U10U Coaching Training & Field SessionCombined Online & In Person Safe Haven, Concussion, SCA, SafeSport
12U12U Coaching Training Pre Course & Field SessionCombined Online & In Person Safe Haven, Concussion, SCA, , SafeSport, 10U Coach
14UIntermediate Coach Pre-Course & Field SessionCombined Online & In Person Safe Haven, Concussion, SCA, , SafeSport, 12U Coach

How does AYSO protect its volunteers and athletes?

Safe Haven™ is a program designed to address a growing need for child and volunteer protection. There are four elements in the Safe Haven™ intervention cycle: Create Policies, Screen Volunteers, Train Volunteers, and Promote Education and Awareness. These are intended to stop child abuse and its agents before they get into the program.  In AYSO, children play in a friendly and safe environment.

The Volunteer Protection Act of 1997 
This law grants immunity from certain types of prosecution for volunteers who meet its requirements. In order to receive full protection under the law, AYSO volunteers need must: 1. be properly trained and certified; 2. be performing duties as laid out in a position description; 3. act within the scope of AYSO's Policies, Procedures, and Guidelines.

Thank you for volunteering for Middleville AYSO Region 277.  Feel free to contact our Child and Volunteer Protection Advocate with any questions or assistance you may need.

  1. Kids are No. 1.
  2. Fun, not winning is everything.
  3. Fans only cheer, and only coaches coach.
  4. No yelling in anger.
  5. Respect the volunteer referees.
  6. No swearing or abusive behavior.
  7. No alcohol, tobacco or drugs.
  8. No weapons.
  9. Leave no trash behind.
  10. Set a proper example of sportsmanship.

Adult Volunteer Sign Up Process

How to sign up as an Adult volunteer;

Steps to complete Volunteer Registration with a pre-existing account are as follows: 
1.  Log into your AYSO Sports Connect account 
2.  Access the My Account page 
3.  Click on the Volunteer button on the left-hand side of the screen

4.  Click the Find Volunteer Roles button on the upper right-hand side of the screen

If the account holder has registered a player prior to this step, skip to step #5. If not, continue with 4a – 4c.

4a. If the account holder does not have a player registered and the division is currently accepting volunteer registration, the user is presented with an additional position selection screen shown below.

4b. Volunteer opportunities for the current season will appear on the next screen. All available 
options will be available if you toggle the accordion icon.

4c. Once you expand the accordion, you’ll be able to view any available opportunities. You may 
also select division/s you would like to volunteer in. Once done, select View Selected 

5.  All available Open Positions are listed here. Select the opportunity you’d like to sign up for.

6.  Click on your name under the selected position.

7.  Next, fill out all required detail fields to complete the registration.

8.  When you arrive at the Waivers portion, view/accept all three.

9.  While viewing each waiver, read and scroll down the waiver page. It will ask you to type in your first and last name as an “E-signature.” When ready, hit I Accept.

10. Once all waivers have been e-signed, select the Continue button.

11. Your Volunteer Application is now complete!

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Byron Center AYSO Region 815

Regional Commissioner 

Email Us: [email protected]
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