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Coach Page.
AYSO volunteer positions of Coach and Assistant Coach must promote sportsmanship and develop our players’ positive image, while developing the technical skill and knowledge of the game of each player. The basis for the Coach and Assistant Coach as a role model are founded in the AYSO Philosophies, Vision and Mission.
• Communicate clearly to players and parents about team goals, expectations, and obligations.
• Impress upon players, parents, and other family members that Good Sportsmanship applies to everyone - players, coaches, referees, spectators, and other
AYSO volunteers.
• Discourage all negative comments and complaints about refereeing! (Referee issues should be directed to the Referee Administrator after the game.)
• Engage your team parents in your efforts to instill the proper attitudes and values in the players.
• Make safety, skill development, teamwork, good sportsmanship, and a fun environment the main goals.
• Consider the social and emotional status of the children you coach. You are not just coaching soccer but are helping develop the whole child.
• Treat players with kindness and patience. Commit to building players self-confidence and ability through positive instruction and good sportsmanship.
• Never lose control, yell at or belittle a player for making mistakes (we should normalize errors).
• Be reasonable (and realistic) in your demands on your players’ time, energy, enthusiasm, and performance on the field.
• Make sure equipment and facilities meet safety standards and are appropriate for the age and ability of your players.
• Continue your own learning and development.
• Fair and equal playing time, and the overall self-esteem of the players, is a higher priority than the outcome of the game.
• Be current and knowledgeable in the Laws of the Game and impress on your players that they must always abide by the Laws of the Game.
• Limit touch-line behavior to positive instruction and encouragement. While periodic reminders for the players can help, excessive coaching from the sidelines is strongly discouraged. Let them learn and express themselves by letting them play!
• Post-match, coaches and players shall demonstrate sportsmanship by positively acknowledging the opposing team players, fellow coaches, and officials.
• Never openly complain about or demean other coaches or players. (Direct complaints to the Coach Administrator or Regional Commissioner.)
• Follow AYSO protocols and physician advice when determining when an injured child is ready to play again.
• During team gatherings, practices, scrimmages, and games, coach and assistant coach must have possession of each player’s registration form.
• Embrace and practice “Everyone Plays®,” Good Sportsmanship and Positive Coaching philosophies of AYSO.